
TODO: this is a stub


TODO: remember to write about pointing to other configuration options


Configuration can be cached on system level. This is separate from cache meant for application and does not use the same mechanics. Instead configuration cache file is written either using PHP’s built-in json-functions or igbinary-extension if it is available.

Configuration cache file is created by running ./kehikko kernel:cache:config in project root. This command will print a NOTICE-level message of where it wrote the file.

After creating cache file, configuration must be initialized manually to use this cached file before any other calls to system functions. This is usually done in application entry point.

Example index.php that every page load uses:

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
/* first argument points to main configuration, second to cache file */
cfg_init(__DIR__ . '/../config/config.yml',
         __DIR__ . '/../cache/__kehikko/configuration.cache.json');
/* normal stuff after this ... */

Note: If configuration cache file is not found, normal configuration loading is executed, so it is not harmful trying to load it


mixed cfg($arg1, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null)

Return value from configuration or default if value with given key-chain is not found. If key is a string it is separated using period into sections.


Most common use-case is simply to give key and optional default:

/* using array keys */
echo cfg(['my_config', 'sub_value']) . "\n";
echo cfg(['my_config', 'sub_value2'], 'my default value') . "\n";
/* using string key with period as section separator */
echo cfg('my_config.sub_value') . "\n";
echo cfg('my_config.sub_value2', 'my default value') . "\n";

Using this configuration:

  sub_value: I set this in my own config

Previous code would echo following:

I set this in my own config
my default value
I set this in my own config
my default value

bool cfg_debug()

A simple call to check if debugging is enabled.

array cfg_init(string $cfg_file = null, string $cfg_cache_file = null)

Initializes configuration from file given as first argument or from default location if it is null. This function is called automatically using default if configuration has not been initialized manually. Usually there is no need to call this manually.

TODO: this is a stub