
Kehikko provides a simple caching function called cache() that returns a PSR-16 cache driver. This eases cache usage at application level.

As default calling cache() will return so called null driver which does not actually cache anything.


Accessing cache:

$data = cache()->get('');
if ($data !== null) {
    return $data;
$data = fetch_data_from_somewhere_slow();
cache()->set('', $data, 300);
return $data;


Configuring caching is simple.

Setting up Symfony PSR-16 cache component after installing it using composer require symfony/cache:

  enabled: true
  call: Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache@
  args: # arguments are optional
    - test           # namespace
    - 0              # default ttl
    - '{path:cache}' # path

Setting up PhpFastCache PSR-16 component after installing it using composer require phpfastcache/phpfastcache:

  enabled: true
  call: Phpfastcache\Helper\Psr16Adapter@
    - Files # type of caching
#    - path: '{path:cache}' # options, phpfastcache will log a warning about
                            # an old configuration style if you set this

See also: Read more about how calls can be used


object cache($object = null)

Get current cache object. Will initialize cache object with either default null driver or with settings from configuration if cache has not been initialized yet.

Another way is to give a PSR-16 cache object in argument $object if you need to initialize your cache driver somewhat manually. This will override current cache driver, but only if cache.enabled = true in configuration.

Note: If cache.enabled = false a null driver is always returned

System functions

These should not be used from any application.

bool cache_clear()

Remove all files under {path:cache}.

mixed cache_write_system_data(string $file, $data)

Write data to system cache.

mixed cache_read_system_data(string $file)

Read data from system cache.

bool cache_config()

Create configuration cache file.

bool cache_translations()

Create translations cache files.